So I shall. Here we have a wee shrug for the upcoming Bebe. It seems big for a newborn size, but seriously, she isn't going to be wearing it for a couple of months, so it should all be good.
Then, after a huge time off, I dyed some stuff, and it's all for ME. Yes. Selfish. Ask me if I care.

(I made a promise to myself that I'd post at least twice a week for the remainder of this year. We'll see how it goes. But I want you to be aware that I promised nothing regarding the literary merit of any post, nor the quality.)
LOL. Literary merit is over rated! Love the baby shrug, and you know I love the newly dyed yarns!
Twice a week is going to be tough, but I have faith in you.
Way to go, Cozy! Twice a week is totally doable, and I'm so glad to be seeing regular Cozy updates in my feed!
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